Sport Edition 3-Person Rectangle
Designed to give a celestial hot water experience, the Stella™ SE is perfect for entertaining or after workout soak sessions. Settle in to the Stella™ SE and the cares of the day will seem light-years away while the powerful 3-hp pump pulses swirling hot water around your entire body. Adjust our Nordic Star™ jets to direct powerful hydrotherapy massage to specific pressure points to relieve tension. Be a star in our brightest star, the Stella SE!
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Modern Series 3-Person Rectangle
Three’s company in our Stella ™ MS! Perfect for conversation and hydrotherapy with our No-Float™ Lounger and 2 opposing, deep seated captain’s chairs. This super-star hot tub provides all the therapeutic benefits you will need but with the versatility of a 110V/220V convertible electrical connection! Enjoy an amazing hydrotherapy session while you stargaze and let the cares of the day drift off into the galaxy. You’ll love our star…the Stella MS!
110v Series 3-Person Rectangle
You will be starry-eyed with the exceptional value of our 3-person hot tub, the Stella™ All-In 110V™! Imagine your tension and stress drifting away while you lean back in our No-Float™ lounger. Direct the pulsating, hot water therapy of our Nordic Star™ jets to relax and renew your body and mind. Capture a star today! Take home the Stella All-In-110V™.